With years of experience as a business owner and photographer, I've discovered a true passion in partnering with photographers and fellow creatives. I've made it my mission to authentically showcase you and set you apart so that you can strategically attract your dream clients while creating a stunning online presence.

Welcome friend! 

I'm Alaysha. (ah-lay-sha)
I'm the creative force behind Freebird Creative Co.  


Click the photos to learn a little about me.

my essentials

I have two beautiful daughters that keep me as busy as my work. Don't let their cuteness fool you ...


I've tried every craft you can think of, and my office is where craft supplies come to die. Just ask my cricut.

I'm a serial crafter

I'm a

I'm a southern Alberta photographer and I specialize in newborn lifestyle sessions. When i'm not creating and designing, I'm taking pictures of babies. Not a bad gig, am I right?!

The mountains are calling ...

If you have ever googled pictures of Alberta (where I live), I bet you will see the infamous Moraine Lake. One of my fav places, and one that we frequent almost every year.

My fiance and I love to bond in the evenings by throwing on a crime doc. If you have any recommendations, let me know haha.

I'm a crime junkie

Rest is just as important as hustle. Daily naps? Essential.

Everything in business is learnable, fixable, and figureoutable.

You don't have to be a workaholic to be successful. Really.

I believe:

Your brand should not only attract your audience, it should also resonate with them on a deeper level. That's why I'm incredibly passionate about helping businesses bring their vision to life. I've witnessed the incredible transformation that occurs when you exude confidence in your brand, drawing in clients who genuinely appreciate and understand you. If you're ready for your brand to take center stage with style and substance, I'm here to turn your vision into reality.

I'm a photographer and designer

I understand the challenges you face as a business owner and recognize the significance of having a standout online presence.